
Age: 15
Birth Date: October 27
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Blood Type: B-
Species: Echidna

These robots running around now (They're something she can take her agression out on)
Memory games (She usually wins)
Secrets (or any other information that can be useful)

That big annoying robot ("Sink MY island, will you?!")
Taking second place in ANYTHING (Surya-Ne's an ambitious li'l Guardian.)
Being ignored (Unless she's trying not to be noticed. Dichotomous young lady, isn't she?)

Being forgotten- Surya-Ne's ambition is to leave her mark on the world, just like her ancestor Knuckles. She's terrified of failing and being only another name in a long line of Guardians.
Losing her self-control- Having worked all her life on being the stoic, contained Guardian she believes she should be, Surya-Ne is horrified at the thought of not being in control of every part of her being.

Strengths: Surya-Ne's a very determined person; If she says she'll do something, she'll get it done no matter what. She's also quite strong, thanks to her training as a Guardian. Other strengths include her eerie ability to move around almost silently- she could probably make no noise walking on dry leaves through an echo chamber- and a marvelous mind for tactics.

Weaknesses: While she does possess a magnetic personality, Surya-Ne isn't really socially inclined. She has a tendency to disturb people by knowing things about them (like how to kill them- that tends to be a party pooper.) She isn't anti-social, just not the life of the party. Also, there's a negative side to her ambition: Our heroine tends to take really stupid risks for the sake of pride, pushing herself further than she should.

As one would expect, Surya-Ne was hatched (As you may recall, echidnas are monotremes) on the Floating Island while it was still floating. (Okay, yeah, it's floating around still, but it's in the water...) She was actually one of a set of fraternal twins, a boy and a girl, both of whom inherited the responsibility of being a Guardian. From early on, Surya-Ne and her brother Moore were subject to rigorous training in mind, body, and spirit in order to competently keep the island safe from the outside world. (Yeah, the echidnas are still kinda xenophobic, although markedly less so than when Knuckles was around.) Of course, even with the responsibility of being a Guardian, both children had time for fun, as almost any child does. However, Surya-Ne tended to be less carefree than her brother- she felt the weight of her responsiblity and of her great ancestor, who'd saved the island from destruction so many years ago. So, she worked even harder than Moore, hoping both to live up to her ancestor and to carve a name for herself.
On the twins' 14th birthday, they became full-fledged Guardians. At first, things were rather bumpy-- Surya-Ne and her twin kept running into each other and getting into arguments; although they'd been trained well in every other respect, neither had ever gotten that "teamwork" thing down pat. Then, someone got the bright idea to divide the island into two sections. Each Guardian got half the island, and both guarded the Chaos Chamber, where the Master Emerald was kept.
Enter big evil robot dude. It struck suddenly, catching the twins off-guard. However, both immediately went into "Obliterate Intruder" mode when they saw just where it was headed. Surya-Ne and Moore both fought valiantly, but, per usual, just ended up getting in each other's way. The metal monstrosity neutralized the Guardians and headed for the Emerald. When Surya-Ne saw what was about to happen, she tried one last time to stop the 'bot, jumping between it and the Emerald and... getting blasted out of the way. We all know what happens next: 'Bot grabs Emerald, shatter, boom, bits go flying everywhere, including directly into our heroine. 'Bot goes bye-bye, and Surya-Ne is left in a major funk, doing your typical "I swear to have revenge on the bad guy."
And so, as the cliche narration at the beginning of many anime says, our story begins...

All Surya-Ne really wants is to make a name for herself, to be re-
membered even after she's departed from this world. She wants to personify
the perfect Guardian- taciturn, skilled, ever-vigilant. Because of this,
she's difficult to get to know. It isn't that she's not friendly or outgoing,
she just tends to listen more than she talks, and almost never speaks of her-
self. However, she's very aggressive in most respects. In conversation,
she'll tend to interrogate a person, prying deep into him to find out what
he's really like. In an argument, Surya-Ne uses words like a sword, slashing
away at her opponent's defenses. In a fight, she's usually the first on the
field and the last to leave.
Her main flaw is the fact that Surya-Ne is constantly competing with
other people. She's constantly in a battle to be Numero Uno at whatever she
does, from being a Guardian to making her bed. If somebody else happens to
do something better than she does, Surya-Ne's first questions are, "What am
I doing wrong?" and "How is he doing it better?" In order to find things
like this out, Surya-Ne's developed her propensity for spying and sneaking
The main thing that matters to Surya-ne is her home, the Floating
Island. She takes her responsibility towards it very seriously, and treats
the safety of it and its inhabitants as her first priority. Understandably,
its current non-airborne state has caused her more than a bit of concern, and
so she's actually decided to venture away from it to find this big robot that
beat her and make sure it gets its rear end kicked to the curb. Along with
protecting her island, revenge is pretty high on her list. After all, she has
an almost perfect memory, so she'll never forget a slight anyway.
Now, even more than usual, Surya-ne has a lot of pent-up emotions,
and every once in a while she has to blow off steam. For this reason, she's
actually quite happy with the random SWATbots and whatnot wandering around
these days - they're victims that she can beat down without any remorse at
all. Physical activity is the only real way Surya-Ne can release her
frustration; before the 'bots, she would go to random uninhabited zones and
take her frustration out on rocks.

Physical Appearance:
Surya-Ne is considerably darker than her ancestor; rather than the
common bright red of most echidnas, her fur is very dark, almost black. Her
muzzle and stomach are both colored peach, as is common to her species, and
she does bear the white ring signifying Guardianship, its bright color
practically glowing against the darker fur.
Typical to echidna culture, Surya-Ne's hair is styled in dredlocks.
Her bangs are a bright orange-red; the rest of it's colored the same dark red
as her fur. Her dreds are worn loose, to aid in the glide maneuver common to
most Guardians, although the front pair have metal rings on them for
decoration. From behind her bright, spiky bangs, dark gray eyes observe the
world around her silently.
As far as body goes, Our Heroine is quite buff, thanks to her life of
training. While she isn't particularly tall, it's apparent that she can hold
her own in any fight. This is made all the more apparent by the spikes
extending from her knuckles, another Guardian trait that allows her to climb
most surfaces as well as do some serious damage in a fight.
As for clothing, Surya-Ne is never seen in any color other than green,
gray, or black. Her general uniform (day-to-day wear) consists of tall (thigh-
high) gray boots, black leggings, black shorts, and a dark green tank top.
(Woo, sessay!) She also generally wears gray gloves cut off at the wrist.
These have a slot cut at the knuckles to let her spikes stick out.

Tanya-Ne (Mother)
Tanya-Ne is quite the firebrand. She works on the Echidna Security
Team (a group serving as police for the Floating Island's echidna-colonized
areas) and is generally considered a loose cannon. She's less interested in
law enforcement, and more conerned with making sure justice gets served, some-
thing that makes her more than a little unpredictable. She's tall, with gray
eyes and brown fur and dredlocks in a braid.

Pratchett (Father)
Surya-Ne's father definitely has a lot of his illustrious ancestor in
him. He's bright red, and bears the usual Guardian ring and sharp knuckles.
Surya-Ne got her somewhat stoic demeanor from her father; he's taught his
children to be calm during times of stress, and tries himself to avoid
expressing a lot of emotion, something that his wife has spent years trying
to change.

Moore (Brother)
Surya-Ne's twin brother seems to be her polar opposite in many ways.
Whereas she's quiet, aggressive, and dark, Moore is much more outgoing, laid
back, and cheerful. He's definitely his father's son, looks-wise, although
he wears his hair pulled back. Moore's mellow attitude makes his work as a
Guardian somewhat slipshod and less than desired, although he's definitely
popular socially.
